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从华尔街到普通民众,金融崩溃的连锁反应依然明显. 随着经济缓慢地恢复正常, 法律界也在重新审视和重塑其业务蓝图. 危机过后,新晋澳门赌场官网的前景如何? 是时候让有经验的从业者单干了吗? Where do senior lawyers fit in this scenario?
The D.C. Bar拥有广泛的资源,以帮助法律专业人士在日益具有挑战性的就业市场中导航, 寻找导师和社交机会, find pro bono or volunteer work, improve their skill sets, or transition to a new career. What is your next move?
Land Your Next Job
然而今天的经济环境并没有提供最好的求职环境, 澳门赌场官网最好为他们的下一个职业发展探索多种渠道.
- The D.C. Bar is partnered with YourMembership.com为澳门赌场官网协会会员提供了一个广阔的潜在雇主网络, 让他们在当今竞争激烈的市场中占据优势. Explore the Bar’s newly revamped Career Center today and find your perfect job match!
- Many voluntary bar associations 同时维护自己的就业中心,将求职者与雇主联系起来.
- USAJOBS, 联邦政府的官方办公地点, 是联邦工作和就业信息的一站式来源吗.
- Developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, CareerOneStop 一个在线的求职和职业发展工具目录吗. It also connects job seekers to state job banks, including one for opportunities in the District of Columbia.
- 在哥伦比亚特区法院寻找就业和实习机会.
Stay Ahead of the Curve
经济衰退给法律行业带来了沉重的打击——等待不是一种选择. 通过培训来发展你的技能或学习新的技能,保持你在游戏中的领先地位. 无论您的专业领域是什么,无论您是经验丰富的从业者还是新手,D.C. Bar Continuing Legal Education Program’s comprehensive course offerings 会帮助你了解最新的法律和其他法律发展吗. For added convenience, CLE计划在其课程目录中使用快速响应(QR)代码, making online registration faster and easier.
It is time to ramp up your networking skills! Now more than ever, 法律专业人士正在与他们的同行联系,以使他们的名字脱颖而出,并建立长期的专业关系. A great start would be to join one of the D.C. Bar Communities, tailored to specialized fields of interest, 享受其广泛的专业活动选择的好处, including networking.
Consider Mentoring
While the D.C. Bar没有正式的或结构化的指导计划, 我们的实践管理咨询服务已经汇集了一个全面的 Mentoring Resource, 为正在寻找导师或考虑成为业内同事导师的澳门赌场官网协会成员提供指导.
Several voluntary bars in the Washington, D.C., 区域还为新澳门赌场官网和资深澳门赌场官网提供各种途径,让他们在指导环境中聚在一起.
You’ve faithfully scoured online job postings. You’ve networked and trained. 你在等着重新开始. 那么,为什么不把经济衰退转化为服务的机会呢? The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center, 特区最大的无偿法律服务促进者之一, touches the lives of thousands of D.C. 居民每年通过其广泛的项目. We invite you to make a difference today.
Small Firm?
考虑开一家自己的公司,但不知道从哪里开始? 越来越多的澳门赌场官网开始自己创业, 澳门赌场官网协会和其他法律组织已经制定了一些项目来指导澳门赌场官网在他们的职业生涯中选择另一条道路.
- 报名参加我们的免费互动课程吧。”Basic Training and Beyond”. 学习在哥伦比亚特区建立和运营小公司的基本知识,以及如何有效地营销和管理公司. 自从律政司首次开设这门非常受澳门赌场官网的课程以来,已有3000多名澳门赌场官网参加了这门课程.C. 澳门赌场官网执业管理谘询服务(PMAS)于2008年11月.
- 作为小型澳门赌场官网事务所从业者群体不断壮大的证明,美国澳门赌场官网协会 SoloSez e–mail listserv has more than 3,500 subscribers worldwide. Solosez includes lawyers from almost every U.S. 管辖权和来自世界各国的, 几乎代表了人类所知的每一个实践利基.”
- D.C. Bar Lawyer Referral Service
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- Programs and Events
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- Leadership Resource Portals
- Communities On-Demand Library
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- 多样性、公平、包容和可及性资源
- Communities Newsletter
- Annual Well-Being Summit
- D.C. Bar Communities Lawyer of the Year Awards
- Legal Ethics
- Practice Management Advisory Service
- Mandatory Course
- Lawyer Assistance Program
- Career Center
- External Resources
- Fee Dispute Program